Over the Covid years much of my usual filming work came, like most of the world, to a grinding holt… However filming wildlife doesn’t have to be a grand migration of a bucket list or iconic creature, sometimes the best wildlife miracles are the ones happening on our own doorsteps! So during the quiet work times and through the lockdowns I spent my days at a local pond in Cornwall.

As a lad from the Somerset levels this s where it all started for me, eyes fixed in a pond, checking out all the radical invertebrate beasties and ultimately becoming fascinated by amphibians!

This short web series was my lockdown project. I discovered the Pond o May of the previous year and in 2021 I came back a few times each week to document the developing tadpoles as they went through their tiny but oh so impressive metamorphosis.

Below are the first three episodes. These all took place before the tadpoles hatched but are the start of the story and the Newtflix episode (all about Palmate Newts) became a project in itself. All shot and edited by myself. More episodes to come!